Needlefelt Dog Workshop with Furzie
Learn to needlefelt a delightful character dog around a wire armature frame. Needlefelting is very easy, great fun and the course is suitable for absolute beginners or those with some experience. No sewing or other textile skills are required. All materials are included, as are lunch and refreshments.

Ceramic Hares Workshop with Ros Ingram
Enjoy a day of sculpting a ceramic hare in clay with ceramicist Ros Ingram. Beginners and the more experienced welcome. All materials, firing, refreshments and a light lunch are included in the cost of the workshop.

Linocut Workshop with Jo Biggadike
Join us for this beginner-friendly printing session in which you will learn how to create your own unique linocut. This is a fun way to explore printmaking, and no prior experience is necessary. All materials, refreshments and a light lunch included.

Garden Journaling: Sketching and Painting Plants with Emma Leyfield
Learn to sketch and paint plants to create your own garden journal. All are welcome, from complete beginners to the more experienced. Refreshments, a light lunch and all materials will be provided, including your own sketchbook to take home at the end of the day.